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De government release de contract. Dem boys study dem and dem want to know how de Cost fuh build de hotel reach US$58 million. But even before that,Wholesale China Jerseys, dem boys want to know why de Marriott contract got a clause in a funny language.De ordinary man believe that Republic Bank putting money in de project but when dem boys look at de thing de bank ain’t putting a cent. It got to be Brazzy who write that part of de contract. He bright and he know good how fuh write to confuse people.De thing is that he got de Shaatie fuh support he because that is de man who talk bout transparency. All he talk he ain’t tell dem boys who putting money in de Marriott project. That can’t be a state secret unless people who mek up de state putting in de money he thief.Some of dem tek de people money like if was dem put it in a bank and dem boys still want to know if de Shaatie putting in he money. He got nuff talk and he got to be a man who does talk sweet fuh distract people while he hand fiddling.He talk bout transparency but up to now he can’t tell people who got share in de Berbice Bridge.Dem boys know that if de bridge shut down de people who put in dem money secretly gun still get pay with big interest. Dem boys want to know if is de same thing wid de hotel.De Rat was another one who had nuff fancy talk but who coulda hide de facts. Is he who talk bout how de Marriott gun bring in people because all who come cussing Pegasus and Princess. Dem boys want fuh know if he sit down and cuss wid dem same people because he is the wuss cuss bastard dem gat. He cuss when he was campaigning and he cuss when he had to move out State living quarters. He own security hear he and dem tell Uncle Donald.Dem boys want fuh know how much de Shaatie learn from de Rat because he behaving just like de Rat and he tekking people fuh fools just like de Rat. He don’t understand value fuh money and that is all dem boys want—value fuh money Shaatie.COST,China Jerseys Cheap, COST and nuttin more than the COST. Ask your Muma and Daddy to teach yuh if you still don’t understand the people need to know the COST yaal paying fuh theses projects. And nothing else!Talk half and give value fuh de other half.